Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Ganesha and Agni

Does Ganapati and Agni represent same aspect of Divinity, same energy? Agni is the presiding deity of Bhu-loka. Ganesha is presiding deity of Muladhara Chakra. Agni is considered a Brahmana deity. Ganapati is often traced back to vedic Brahmanaspati. Vedas begin with prayer to Agni. Any puja or ritual begins with prayer to Ganapati. Agni is Jaataveda, knower of all our actions and helps one in attaining material desires and spiritual upliftment. Worship of Agni is inevitable for overcoming limitations of physical universe. Ganesha is the giver,as well as,remover of obstacles. He grants material prosperity and spiritual upliftment and without worshiping in Muladhara, overcoming its limitations is not possible. Also, Agni is deity of speech. Similarly, speech in a person is supposed to originate in Muladhara. Perhaps, if not same, their essence are intimately connected to each other.

Written by Nithin Sridhar, Editor at Indiafacts